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Time Zones



Outline Of Recent Work

This is intended only as a very brief outline of some very recent work of mine. I do intend to 'flesh-this-out' in the near-to-not-too-distant future.

Some Correlations Involving December 2012 Solstice

"Phoenix (mass-sighting) UFO" of March 13, 1997 ... I suspect bonafide communication' attempt(s) ... involving : * "Number of Earth Days" ... "5764.166073" ... from time of incident (around 8:30 PM PST) to December Solstice 2012. [ A rounded number would be "5764"
including 4 leap days.] ... difference of "0.166073" Days 'could be' related to ...(speculating) .. maybe time between incident and midnight that night in Phoenix, Az.

* Note ... "5764.166073" is the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992) for The Chephren
Pyramid (middle one of the 3 major Giza pyramids) of Giza..* "5764.166073" is also the precise, original (including capstone) APEX HEIGHTof The Great Pyramid of Giza ... in terms of Regular Inches. Munck (1992) figured this height in Regular Feet ... as ... 480.3471728 Feet. I suspect an 'indication' from the intelligence involved in piloting "Phoenix UFO" ... that .... the 12-inch (regular) Foot is a significant 'metrology unit' .. involved in the apparent
"archaeomatrix code" ... see work of Carl P. Munck, Sr. ... also my own work.

* Again ... "5764.166073" in terms of Earth axial rotations (Days) of 360 arc-degrees each ... would then correlate with the "24" hours of 'time units' ... which then indicates the "86,400" seconds of time per 360-arc-degree Earth axial rotation. This then correlates to my "Tetrahedral Grid Latitude" of 8760.481939 North/South ... a translation of the Hoagland (Richard C.) "Tetrahedral Latitude"of ... 19.47122061 arc-degrees north/south of the equator. (rotating sphere of "planetary" scale). Further correlates .. to .. Munck's calculation method
.. for ..calculating "Grid LATs and Grid LONGs" ... by multiplying the NUMBERS of the
degrees, minutes, and seconds together ... an apparent methodology designed into the ancient "archaeomatrix" itself. Using current example ... regarding my "Tetrahedral Grid LAT" ... the "19.47122061" arc-degrees breaks down into ...19 (deg) X 28 (min) X 16.46707131 (sec) ...
= 8760.481939 North/South.

* 8760.481939 / 24 = 365.0200809 ... this is the precise Earth Year in Days, found encoded (numerically, redundantly) within the "archaeomatrix". Indicates apparent direct intelligent correlation between the "hour" time unit, the precise number-of-Days in one Solar Year, and a 'tetrahedral geometry' involving Earth rotation dynamics.

* Direct intelligent correlation suspected among ...1) Phoenix UFO 'Grid POINT Value' (Morton, 1998) of "30" ... based on a 4-minute (time unit, equal to 240 time seconds) HOVER over the Phoenix intersection of Indian School Road and 7th Avenue, and the lat/long coordinates found by myself .. in the center of that intersection (USGS 7.5-min topo Series
quadrangle, scale of 1 : 24000) ... 2) Ratio of (above) figures "8760.481939" and "5764.166073" ... as follows ...(8760.481939 / 5764.166073) = [15 / (Pi Squared)] = [30 / (2Pi X  Pi)]. Note: "30" is hover-spot 'Grid POINT Value' of UFO over the specific
intersection reported by an apparently key witness. Figure "15" involved in the 9-integer
"Seal of Saturn" square pattern ... 3 rows of 3 integers, in square pattern, such
that any 'sum' of any row (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) is "15".
Suggested pattern for 'The Seal of Saturn' :
8 3

1 5

6 7

* Direct correlations to actual "Miami Square" (Florida) ... see my work on this, and I have very recent updates on this, BTW. ['The Miami Circle' articles .. see below .."farshores" website.]

Number "4" is specific location of The Miami Circle. Number "6" is specific location of "Water Well". (*My* Grid POINTs; all sites there in "Miami  Square".]
Number "5" is APEX of projected 4-sided square-based pyramid ... and, if assuming a slope angle equal to slope angle of The Great Pyramid ... the APEX HEIGHT of such projected pyramid is ... "1313.12254" Regular Feet ... numerically precisely DOUBLE the Grid POINT Value of 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars ...(Munck, 1991) ... "656.56127". Also, see ... my articles at ...

Also .. see my articles at ...

* Number "2" ... in above "Miami Square"/"Seal of Saturn" pattern ... is a Grid POINT Value (Morton, 1999) of ... "1.315947253" ... a precise 'decimal harmonic' (Bruce Cathie terminology) of NOT only the Grid POINT Value of The Cholula Pyramid of Mexico (Munck, 1993) .... but ALSO ...a decimal harmonic of the actual Grid LONG (Morton, 1998) of the HOVER-spot of the Phoenix UFO ... over the *center* of the above-mentioned intersection
..."1315.947254" W.Giza ...= 143 (deg) X 13 (min) X 0.707879103 (sec) W.Giza ...
[ W.Greenwich 112 deg 04 min 59.9078791 sec ] [ Note : Giza to Greenwich longitude variance is 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec ...according to "archaeomatrix prime meridian" re-discovered by Munck ...running through middle (center) of The Great Pyramid of Giza.]

* Suspect direct intelligent 'reference' to .... Cydonia structures of ...'The Face' and 'The D&M Pyramid'. Based on their Grid POINT Values, as discovered (re-discovered ?) by Munck (1991). Munck's Grid POINT Value for 'The Face' .... 656.56127 = [360 Radians (deg)] / (10Pi) ... = 36 Radians (deg) / Pi. For 'The D&M Pyramid' ... 27.58106915 Grid POINT Value ... so ... 5764.166073 = (656.56127 X 27.58106915) / Pi.So .. direct correlation to very specific locations on Mars (Cydonia) based on a similar 360-arc-degree system of latitude/longitude. ALSO .... prime  meridian runs through center of 'The D&M Pyramid' ... analagous to The Great Pyramid as "prime meridian marker" at Giza.

* Refer back to the "Miami Square"/"Seal of Saturn" pattern. My Grid POINT Value for the center-point (number "5") apex ... is ... 1.013211836 ... so ... notice the following ...
(5764.166073 / 1.013211836) = 3.650200809 X [(2Pi) to the 4th power].
Note the following ....

.1) 2Pi is the multiplied product of my Grid POINT Values for (number "6") ... times (number "4"). In other words, my "1.622311471" for 'Water Well' ... times my "3.872983346" for The Miami Circle site ...1.622311471 X 3.872983346 = 6.283185307 = 2Pi.
Note that "3.872983346" is the Square Root of "15".

2) Note that [(2Pi) Cubed] is the Grid POINT Value for The Great Pyramid of Giza (Munck, 1992).

3) Note that "3.650200809" is my Grid POINT Value for Ed Leedskalnin's .."CORAL CASTLE" ... near Homestead, Florida. This figure (3.650200809) is decimal harmonic of the (see above) "365.0200809" Solar Year in Earth Days, encoded in the "archaeomatrix".

 4) I suspect ... (speculation) ... that a likely "LOPER" ... my acronym for "Lunar Orbits Per Earth Rotation" ... might have been "0.03650200809" ... in the ancient past, possibly "set" to correlate/resonate with the "archaeomatrix" as an intelligent design of a 'whole system'. I refer here to possible  implications as set forth by the work of Norman R. Bergrun, the scientist/author of the book, "Ringmakers of Saturn".

* Suspect direct intelligent reference by "Phoenix UFO" to ... the expression "(2Pi) Squared". As follows ... first .. refer to "Miami Square", again. My Grid POINT Value for (number "8") is ... "8.268340445" ... and my Grid POINT Value for (number "2") is ... "1.315947253" ... so ...(8.268340445 / 1.315947253) = 2Pi.
So ... we have a *Square pattern* .. with the 4 corners of this "Miami
Square" having diagonal, precise mathematical interactions producing "2Pi" for EACH
diagonal segment. In one diagonal segment ... the "4" and the "6" Grid POINTs are multiplied. In the other diagonal segment ... the "8" and the "2" Grid POINTs are divided in a ratio. Now .. if we multiply these 2 diagonal "sets" together ...we have, literally and numerically ... "(2Pi) Squared".

Next ... recall (above) the "Phoenix UFO" hover-spot over that particular intersection, on that particular evening of March 13, 1997 ... "5764.166073" Earth Days from December Solstice 2012. My Grid LAT for the *center* of that actual intersection is .. "39478.4176" North ...
= 33 (deg) X 29 (min) X 41.252265 (sec) North. Yes ... this Grid LAT (Morton, 1998) is a precise decimal harmonic of ... (2Pi) Squared. [ 2Pi X 2Pi = 39.4784176 ].

* Further intelligent referece indicated, regarding the "656.56127" Grid POINT Value of Cydonia Face (Munck, 1991) and "(2Pi) Squared" ... as follows ... 39.4784176 X 656.56127 = 25920 ... Earth precession cycle, in Years.

* Likely intelligent reference to ... Grid POINT Value of 'The D&M Pyramid' ...(Munck, 1991) BY WAY OF the Apex Height, in Regular Feet, of projected pyramid (Morton, 1999) on "Miami Square" ... (5764.166073 / 1313.12254) = 4.389663491 ...= (27.58106915 / 2Pi).

ALSO ... realize that "5764.166073" is numerically equal to the precise 'number of regular inches' ... of original height of The Great Pyramid of Giza, including the capstone ... noting that Munck derived the figure for that original height in regular Feet ... 480.3471728 X 12 = 5764.166073 regular inches.

* Note that "2Pi" is my Grid POINT Value for the Rennes-le-Chateau location in the South of France. [ See ... ]. I have recently found the circumference of 'The Circle of Churches' ... with the Rennes-le-Chateau site directly ON THE CIRCUMFERENCE of this 'Circle' ... to have a specific length of "97200" Feet. This is based on my findings for the true length of The Royal Cubit as ... 20.62648063 regular inches.
Diameter for 'The Circle of Churches' ... 18000 Royal Cubits, or ... 18000 X 20.62648063 = 371276.6513 regular inches = 30939.72095 Feet. To find circumference, multiply by Pi ... 30939.72095 X Pi = 97200 Feet.

* Recall 86,400 seconds of time in one Earth Day of a 360-degree axial rotation, if we assume (or "set") the Earth Day at 24 "hours" of 3600 seconds per hour.
(86,400 / 97,200) = 0.888888889 ... = (24 / 27) = (144 / 162) = (8 / 9) = (144,000 / 162,000). This refers directly to Bruce Cathie's light-speed of 162,000 nautical miles per
second and its equivalent of 144,000 nautical miles per "grid second". Cathie has found a 'geomagnetic grid' in evidence on Earth ... involving this exact ratio. See his book, "The Harmonic Conquest of Space". I have found Cathie's "grid" to inter-relate very closely with the "archaeomatrix" code.

-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 2000
Copying and forwarding of this article is encouraged, provided the copyright
included. Thanks -- MLM.