During our chats, we sometimes have people question why we discuss topics that have nothing to do with UFOs. I feel that I should remind you
that part of our mission is to focus on the paranormal and related subjects. And here on the message board, discussions include far more than UFOs and the paranormal. Political, environmental and religious issues are
areas of increasing interest among our message board participants, and I think that is good. I like to think that we are on the frontlines of the Paradigm war that is raging in our culture.
Last week, we discussed
dreams—a rich subject that many people have devoted most to their lives to. This week we will continue to discuss dreams and review the quasi assignment given last week: We agreed to try to dream about a trip to the
moon. In addition, we were to try and imagine other chat members on the moon. I have no idea what all of this will net. But I think it is an interesting way in which to drop a plumb line into the depths of our
Some students of the occult insist that during sleep each person's etheric body projects. In short, each night we all have out of body experiences-OBEs. Of course, even if that is true most of us don't
remember these journeys. In general, most of us aren't as in touch with our dreams as we would like to be. So exercises to strengthen our dream awareness are, I think, very productive as a means for self-development.
A month or so ago, we conducted a brief remote viewing experiment that was quite enjoyable for those who participated; however, it was also clear that at least a few folks felt challenged by the experiment. The chat in
question was one of the most poorly attended in recent memory. Consequently, I have tried to avoid creating similar situations in the chat room. Instead, I've endeavored to make the chats totally
At any rate, in addition to discussing UFOs, we will continue to expand our debates about the paranormal and pay special attention to dreams and the ways in which they affect us.
As a devoted practitioner of Qi Gong, I have, for some time now, been studying the effects of chi—yoga schools often call it prana. Chi, of course, is the bio-energetic force that surrounds every living being. Although
formal Qi Gong or Yoga practice can develop one's chi, there are a number of supplemental exercises that non-practitioners can utilize in order to produce similar results. Over the next few weeks, we will discuss those
exercises. If you have expertise in any of these areas, we look forward to your sharing your observations and viewpoints.