-- by Michael Lawrence Morton {Including a Second Revision of the Newark, Ohio Earthworks' Positional Numbers}(c) 2000
I preface this article by predicting that some people will jump to the conclusion that
I've "tweaked" the Newark (Ohio) Earthworks numbers, to "make them fit precisely" with the numbers I've found for the positions of the crop formations (or, vice-versa) I'll discuss here. The fact is
that I've done no such thing. Actually, I "just happened" to very recently (as I write this) feel the need to re-examine my "First Revision" of Carl Munck's work on the Newark Earthworks'
positions. Then, about 1 to 2 days after my rather laborious re-measuring (on the official USGS topo map .. 7.5-minute Series "Newark Quadrangle", scale 1 : 24000) and 're-figuring', and 'double-checking' ...
I only *then* decided to work on the latitude/longitude data (posted on "The International Crop Circle Database" website) for a few of the more elaborate and interesting UK crop formations that have
appeared over the past several weeks of this year-2000 season. Yes .. I found some correlations that are truly 'more' than remarkable. No .. I have not "force-fit" or "manipulated" the data ..
just as I have not "manipulated" the synchronicity involved in 'finding all this' within a span of about a day and a half. There is a real distinction between "manipulating" and
'Second Revision' .. Newark, Ohio Earthworks
I had been thinking about my (first) revision of the 'archaeomatrix' positions of the Newark, Ohio (USA) Earthworks, for some time. I
will admit .. I did that (first) revision based on Carl Munck's own hand-drawn maps in his self-published books .. maps he drew *based on* the official USGS topo map of the area.
In hindsight, I should have
ordered the official USGS topo map, myself, before attempting any such work. I admit my mistake, there. So .. I did, in fact, order that official USGS top map .. and so my 'Second Revision' is done with my use of
that map itself. The Second Revision also includes my figures for The Observatory Circle, as well as for the Great Octagon and Octagon Circle.
Latitude and Longitude Scale Used
In measuring the USGS topo
map margin-marks (2.5-min segments) of the map ( N4000 --- W8222.5 / 7.5) .. I determined the following scale : latitude ... 5 and 67/80 inches per 2.5 min (5.8375) ; longitude ... 7 and 47/80 inches per 2.5 min
(7.5875). This was done with the help of a magnifying glass.
The 'Observatory Circle'
Carl Munck states in his work that the latitude of the 'center' of The Observatory Circle is .. 40 deg 02 min 27
sec .. precisely. This he multiplies to a Grid LAT of "2160" .. which is a major 'matrix' number, indeed. However, upon my measurements on the map, I find the center-latitude to be roughly 42 Feet further
north. Here is what I find : Grid LAT 40 (deg) X 02 (min) X 27.41556778 (sec) North .. = 2193.245422 North.
My longitude findings ...
Grid LONG 113 (deg) X 33 (min) X 52.93432234 (sec) W.Giza .. = 197392.088 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 82 deg 25 min 52.13432234 sec ]. Note : the figure "197392.088" is a decimal harmonic of my figure for the
Grid POINT Value of the star REGULUS (circa 2000 A.D.) ... {
http://www.farshore.force9.co.uk/skymat_1.htm }.
Grid POINT Value for The Observatory Circle .. 197392.088 / 2193.245422 = 90.
The Great Octagon
Grid LAT 40 (deg) X 03 (min) X 17.45329252 (sec) North .. = 2094.395102 North. Note: this figure "2094.395102" is a decimal harmonic of precisely 2/3rds Pi.
Grid LONG 113 (deg) X 34 (min) X 40.88486014 (sec) W.Giza .. = 157079.6327 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 82 deg 26 min 40.08486014 sec ].
Note : this figure "157079.6327" is a decimal harmonic of precisely 1/2 Pi.
A Correlation to 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars
Munck (1992) has self-published his findings for the longitude of 'The
Face' at Cydonia on Mars .. measured from a self-evident and self-referential prime meridian (integral to this ancient 'planetary archaeomatrix') ... a prime meridian that passes through the center of 'The D&M
Pyramid' at Cydonia. This longitude for 'The Face' is .. 6.890283706 arc-minutes East of the center of 'The D&M Pyramid' (prime meridian marker). {
http://members.aol.com/marscode/homepage1.html }
Notice this "6.890283706" is what I call a "pi fractal" ... (2Pi / 3) X (Pi / 3) X Pi = 6.890283706
Do you not see a "pi fractal" apparent in the Grid LAT and Grid LONG of The Great
Octagon ? The decimal harmonics of 2/3rds Pi and 1/2 Pi are forming a ratio .. to give the Grid POINT Value of The Great Octagon .. 157079.6327 / 2094.395102 = 75.
So; we have redundant references to the number "10", as well. (Base 10). This is in the form, of course, of "powers-of-ten". The "decimal harmonic" motif is found throughout this ancient
matrix, as is a very redundant display of a very (relatively) precise Pi constant.
Correlation to Ecliptical Prime Meridian Marker
The "1/2 Pi" decimal harmonic serves as the Grid LAT of our
ecliptical prime meridian marker .. the Orion belt-star ALNITAK. {Again .. see
http://www.farshore.force9.co.uk/skymat_1.htm} 15707.96327 South ... = 25 (deg) X 17 (min) X 36.95991357 (sec) South (of the ecliptic).
Direct Connection to 'The Face' @ Cydonia Via Generic Area of a Given Circle
Using exactly "5Pi" ... another decimal harmonic of "1/2 Pi" ... you can directly find the Grid POINT Value
(Munck, 1992) of 'The Face' @ Cydonia ... by using the standard formula for the generic Area of a given Circle .. and here's how .. First ; use The Radian (deg) as the *numerical value* of the 'given' radius of a
circle. How do we find "The Radian (deg)" ? We find it by dividing 2Pi into 360 ... (360 / 2Pi) = 57.29577951 (deg). Now .. the standard formula for Area of a Circle is .. Pi X (radius squared). Pi X
(57.29577951 X 57.29577951) = 10313.24031 Square arc-degrees. Now .. divide the "5Pi" decimal harmonic (of 1/2 Pi) into that figure ... 10313.24031 / 15.70796327 = 656.56127 ... Grid POINT Value of 'The
Face' @ Cydonia on Mars.
Notice that we have used a *relatively very precise* value for Pi, here. The only way to get a 'precise' figure of "57.29577951" (deg) for The Radian in terms of arc-degrees, is
to use "360" arc-degrees on one circumference, and also (simultaneously) by using a relatively precise value for Pi.
Yes .. this strongly implies (being conservative) the designers/builders of the major
structures at Cydonia, and at Giza, used the 360-arc-degrees system .. with high precision. As I've said so many times on The Internet .. Munck not only re-discovered the true current Earth prime meridian at Giza .. he
also re-discovered the true current Mars prime meridian at Cydonia. And I have verified the true current prime meridian marker for our ecliptic, as the Orion belt-star ALNITAK, proving the theory of Mary Anne
Weaver to be correct .. that ALNITAK is a prime meridian marker directly analagous to The Great Pyramid as a prime meridian marker. This also corroborates the theory of Robert Bauval .. that the 3 main pyramids of
Giza correlate positionally, as seen from aerial view to the north of the Giza complex, to the positional layout of the 3 belt-stars of Orion as viewed from Earth.
The Octagon Circle
Munck's Grid
LONG for the Octagon Circle is .. 216000 W.Giza .. and I find, upon my Second Revision, that I agree with this. Grid LONG 113 (deg) X 34 (min) X 56.22071838 (sec) W.Giza ..= 216,000 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 82 deg 26 min
55.42071838 sec ]. Grid LAT 40 (deg) X 03 (min) X 7.5 (sec) North .. = 900 North. Notice the decimal harmonic, here, of the Grid POINT Value of The Observatory Circle (90). Grid POINT Value Octagon Circle ..
216000 / 900 = 240. Notice, also, the precise number of arc-seconds of latitude .. "7.5" .. decimal harmonic of the Grid POINT Value of The Great Octagon.
'Frequency' of Light-Speed Around Earth's Polar Circumference
In nautical miles, the polar circumference of Earth is 21,600. If you use Bruce Cathie's figure of 162,000 nautical miles per second as the
"theoretical maximum light-speed" .. how many rps does this represent (of "light" at max.speed) around the polar circumference of Earth ? 162000 / 21600 = 7.5 rps.
My Second Revision shows
3 "round numbers" as Grid POINT Values for the Newark, Ohio (USA) Earthworks ... 90, 75, and 240.
What about the azimuths at each site, there ? I find .. 51.84 arc-deg azimuth for the line
connecting the Great Octagon with the Octagon Circle, and I find .. 72 arc-deg azimuth for the 'protrusion' out of the Observatory Circle.
Multiplying the 3 Grid POINT Values
Multiplying the 3 Grid POINT
Values ... 90 X 75 X 240 = 1,620,000 .. which is "10" times the Bruce Cathie 'light-speed' in nautical miles per second. Now .. dividing by the 2 azimuths ...
1620000 / 51.84 / 72 = 434.0277778 ... and take the reciprocal ... = 0.002304
Decimal Harmonic of .. 0.002304 ..
Some of you might recall my posts on The Internet regarding the longitude variances of the
prime meridians of Earth and Mars ... that is; the *differences* between the current "publicly-used" prime meridians, and the current (true) 'matrix' prime meridians, on both planets. Munck (1992) found
the longitude variance for Earth ... 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec .. between Greenwich (England) and Giza. I recently (Morton, 2000) found the longitude variance for Mars ... 09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec ... because I noticed
the figure "21.6" .. as the difference in the *numbers* of the longitude variances *between the 2 planets*.
31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec 09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec -----------------------------------
21 deg 36 min 0.0 sec ... which is exactly "21.6" arc-degrees.
This, in turn, is a numerical match of the Grid POINT Value I found for our current (north) "pole star" ... POLARIS ..
"21.6" ... please see ... http://www.farshore.force9.co.uk/skymat_1.htm
What about that decimal harmonic of .. 0.002304 ? Multiply the *numbers* of .. 09 (deg) X 32 (min) X 0.8 (sec) .. = 230.4 ... "Grid LONG
VARIANCE" on Mars.
If you divide the 51.84 arc-deg azimuth of the Great Octagon/Octagon Circle line .. by "21.6" ... 51.84 / 21.6 = 2.4 ... you get a decimal harmonic of the Grid POINT Value of
the Octagon Circle (240).
Knoll Down, nr Avebury Trusloe .. Reported on 22 July, 2000
As always, thanks to "The International Crop Circle Database" .. please go to .. ~
There, you'll see a 'clickable' photo of
this formation, plus a diagram of it. There's also a 'clickable' additional report available. Then .. please 'click' on the OS Grid Ref number .. SU 079700 .. which takes you to the latitude/longitude data page for
this formation. I work with the long decimal fractional figures you see there, given in arc-degrees. I have nothing to do, whatsoever, with these figures given on these 'latitude/longitude data pages'. But I sure am
thankful to Paul Vigay, for creating this website, and for arranging to have these figures reported from the field.
Based on the given figures on this data page, and also based on what I can discern from the
photos and/or from the diagrams of the formation, I can derive the apparently-intended 'matrix' numbers of the formation.
Here are my 'matrix' figures for this crop formation ...
Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 25 (min) X 40.74628644 (sec) North .. = 51951.51521 North. Grid LONG 33 (deg) X 01 (min) X 11.78181818 (sec) W.Giza .. = 388.8 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 53 min 10.9818118 sec ]. Grid POINT
Value ... 51951.51521 / 388.8 = 133.6201523
Notice the Grid LONG is a decimal harmonic of "3888" .. a major gematrian number.
Cherhill ... Reported on 05 August, 2000
Please go to .. ~
There, you'll see a diagram of this formation .. an elaborate "mandala" of 11-fold geometry. I also recommend 'clicking' on the additional report
available there. Then; please 'click' on the OS Grid Ref number .. SU 162629 .. taking you to the latitude/longitude data page for this formation. I work with the long decimal fractional figures, given inarc-degrees. (I
have nothing to do with the figures 'given' on these lat/long data pages).
Here are my 'matrix' figures for this crop formation :
Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 21 (min) X 50.42016807 (sec) North .. = 54000 North.
Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 54 (min) X 3.239767425 (sec) W.Giza .. = 5598.31811 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 46 min 2.439767425 sec ]. Grid POINT Value ... 54000 / 5598.31811 = 9.645754125
Notice the results if
you use the number of "11-fold geometry" displayed by the design of this crop formation ... and divide it into the "54000" ... 54000 / 11 = 4909.090909 ... and if you then take the *reciprocal* of
the decimal harmonic of that figure .. you get a decimal harmonic of .. "2037037037" .. repeating "37s" .. separated by zeros, that is. When I see "repeating decimal" patterns,
I multiply them by Bruce Cathie's "162" decimal harmonic of light-speed (recall from earlier in this article). 0.2037037037 X 162 = 33. And "33" is exactly 3 times "11", of course. We know
that "33" is a big number in the observed launch/landing patterns of the NASA Apollo program (see the important paper by Mary Anne Weaver; on http://www.enterprisemission.com) ... relating to certain *star-positions* at the exact times of
those launches/landings, and also correlating with the exact *locations* of those launches/landings.
Precise Correlation to Pi
If you divide the "162" decimal (light-speed) harmonic into that
figure of .. "4909.090909 ... you get .. "30.3030303" ... and if you then divide *that* by Pi ... 30.3030303 / 3.141592654 = 9.645754125 .. you have the Grid POINT Value of this crop formation.
Windmill Hill ... Reported on 07 August, 2000
Please go to .. ~
There, you'll see a diagram of this formation, and there's a 'clickable' additional
report available there. Notice the apparent "figure-8" shown as part of the design in this formation. Then; please 'click' on the OS Grid Ref number .. SU 088709 .. and you'll be at the latitude/longitude data
page for this formation. I work with the long decimal fractional figures you see there, given inarc-degrees. (I don't have anything to do with these reported figures of lat/long on these data pages).
Here are my 'materix' figures for this formation :
Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 26 (min) X 9.902884917 (sec) North .. = 13131.2254 North.
Grid LONG 33 (deg) X "00 (min)" X 25.13274123 (sec) W.Giza .. = 829.3804605 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 52 min 24.33274123 sec ]. Note: the precise number of arc-seconds of W.Giza longitude is ..
"8Pi". This resonates with the "figure-8" shown in part of the design. Also: we obviously do not "multiply" zero 'times' anything ... because (of course) it would 'wipe-out' the entire
Grid LONG in this case. So; we simply multiply, in this case, the numbers of W.Giza arc-degrees and arc-seconds. Grid POINT Value ... 13131.2254 / 829.3804605 = 15.83257145
Direct Resonance with 'The Face' @ Cydonia
Note: the Grid LAT of this crop formation .. "13131.2254" ... is precisely (2 X 10) the Grid POINT Value of 'The Face' @ Cydonia .. 13131.2254 / 10 / 2
= 656.56127
Direct Resonance with "Feet in a Statute Mile"
The Grid LONG is exactly .. 264Pi .. and "264" is exactly half of "528".
Of course; 528 is 1/10th of "5280" ... number of Feet in a Statute Mile.
Combining the 3 Grid POINT Values Of These 3 Crop Formations ...
(133.6201523 X 15.83257145) / 9.645754125 = 219.3245423
NOTE : the figure "219.3245423" is a decimal harmonic of the Grid LAT (Morton, 2000) of 'The Observatory Circle' at the Newark, Ohio (USA) Earthworks. Recall from earlier in this article:
2193.245423 North .. = 40 (deg) X 02 (min) X 27.41556779 (sec) North.
Another Direct Connection to 'The Face' @ Cydonia
If you multiply "219.3245423" by a relatively precise Pi constant ..
219.3245423 X 3.141592654 = 689.0283706
Notice that "689.0283706" is a decimal harmonic of .. the actual longitude (E.Cydonia) of 'The Face' @ Cydonia on Mars.
The Figure "8"
can see the figure "8" at the Great Octagon, in its number of sides .. 8 sections of relatively long/thin rectangular earthwork formations. And you see the "figure-8" in part of the design of this
3rd crop formation, discussed in this article. I calculated the number "8" as the Grid POINT Value of the *first* crop formation of this year-2000 season ... see the "stylized ouroboros", as I call
it ... in "The International Crop Circle Database".
The number "8" (octagon) is literally connected (in the earthworks) to the Octagon Circle itself. Recall (from earlier in this article) the
Grid POINT Value of the Octagon Circle ... "240". 240 / 8 = 30. I found a Grid POINT Value for the 'hover-spot' of the "Phoenix UFO" of March 13, 1997 .. of .. "30". The number of
minutes of 'hover-time' over that particular intersection (Indian School Road and 7th Avenue, in Phoenix, Arizona) was credibly reported, 'live' on the radio airwaves on Art Bell's program (directly from an audio tape
of a phone call from a military man, who was on-duty at Luke AFB during the mass-sighting event, to Peter Davenport of "The UFO Hotline" in Seattle, WA) ... was .. "4" .. 04 minutes of 'hover-time'
over that intersection.
If you divide "30" .. the Grid POINT Value for the center of that intersection in Phoenix, Az ... by the Grid POINT Value of the Great Octagon ... 30 / 75 = 0.4
What is
the Grid LAT I found for the *center* of that intersection ? It is a decimal harmonic of the Square of precisely "2Pi" ... (2Pi) X (2Pi) = 39.4784176 ... 39478.4176 North ... = 33 (deg) X 29 (min) X
41.25226499 (sec) North. What about the Grid LONG I found for the *center* of that intersection ? A decimal harmonic of exactly 1/3rd the Square of "2Pi" ... 39.4784176 / 3 = 13.15947253
Here's the Grid LONG for the center of that intersection : 1315.947253 W.Giza .. = 143 (deg) X 13 (min) X 0.707879103 (sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 112 deg 04 min 59.2921209 sec ].
I have posted several times on
The Internet, that I 'predict' the "intended/original/ideal" Polar circumference of Mars is/was ... 13159.47253 ... statute miles. I think that mileage-figure will be shown to correlate directly with ..
"13.15947253" .. the azimuth in arc-degrees from the Apex of 'The D&M Pyramid' to the 'nose' on 'The Face' @ Cydonia.
Direct Resonance with the "Magnetic Field" Glyph ...
Recall the first of the 3 crop formations discussed in this article. I found a Grid LAT for it of .. 51951.51521 North .. = 51 (deg) X 25 (min) X 40.74628644 (sec) North.
If you divide that figure by the Grid LONG of the Phoenix UFO hover-spot ... 51951.51521 / 1315.947253 = 39.47841761 ... a *precise* numerical match of the Square of double-Pi.
--------------------------------------------------- I think the most likely source for these apparent "signs of communication" ... are some "long-lost relatives" of ours. I do not think of them as
"aliens". From all that I've gathered, they are literally relatives of us "Earth humans". They are essentially "us" ... in many ways. But we've needed to get to this point in our ..
"consensus" ? .. (not quite yet) learning-curve .. or how about, on the .. "leading-edge" ? .. (probably) of our learning-curve ... to be able to self-referentially "get-it" .. to
be able to 'figure-out' that there's indeed a 'matrix' of communication-signs converging in terms of space (place) and time within our very midst .. pointing to a "unified field matrix" .. based on the *true
nature* of reality .. and which has been known and intentionally resonated-with, throughout at least hundreds of thousands of our Earth years, by these 'relatives' of ours who are trying to 'allow' us to "get
it" ... rather than just "show-up, all-of-a-sudden" .. which could have the potential to be "Brookings-Report-disruptive" to us. They may very well be attempting to observe a kind of "prime
directive", in that sense.
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
http://members.aol.com/marscode/homepage1.html http://www.farshore.force9.co.uk/mlmindex.htm http://www.greatdreams.com/gem1.htm http://mission-ignition.tripod.com |