Many of you have read some recent posts of mine regarding the star REGULUS .. the 'Heart of The Lion' (in the
constellation of Leo).
And some of you have read about, or know about, the numerical value called "e" ... the base of the "natural logarithms". For example, in RCH's "The Monuments of
Mars" .. Hoagland discusses the "e" value in relation to Cydonia, on Mars. He points out that the TANGENT of the latitude (deg) of 'The D&M Pyramid' is approximately indicated by taking the
"e" value and dividing it by the Pi constant :
2.718281828 / 3.141592654 = 0.865255979 ...
ArcTAN 0.865255979 = 40.86819374 (deg North).
Now; I will show how close that latitude is to Carl
Munck's (1992) latitude (in the planetary Grid 'matrix') for 'The D&M Pyramid'. First; calculate the number of minutes of latitude (we have the number of degrees as "40"). 0.86819374 X 60 =
52.0916244 (min). Now calculate the number of seconds of latitude. 0.0916244 X 60 = 5.497464 (sec).
The number of seconds of latitude, according to the Grid LAT (Munck, 1992) of 'The D&M Pyramid' is ..
4.773646584 (sec). So .. the difference is ... 5.497464 - 4.773646584 = 0.723817416 arc-sec. of latitude. An arc-second of latitude at Cydonia on Mars is roughly 53.5 Feet, so this is about 38.7 Feet away from the
Grid LAT of 'The D&M Pyramid'. I'll refer back to this a bit later, here.
Grid LONG of (circa 2000 A.D.) REGULUS
I've figured a Grid LONG (current, year-2000) in the "Sky Matrix" for
REGULUS of .. 22324.51921 E.ALNITAK .. the Orion belt-star ALNITAK serving as our ecliptical prime meridian marker. { http://www.farshore.force9.co.uk/skymat_1a.htm }.
22324.51921 E.ALNITAK ... = 65 (deg) X 08 (min) X 42.93176771 (sec) E.ALNITAK.
Recently, it has been proposed that the Great Serpent Mound in southern Ohio .. has a self-indicated
correlation to the star ALPHA DRACONIS, which becomes a "north pole star" during a certain phase of Earth's precession cycle. I will show, next, my "Sky Matrix" numbers for this star (circa
2000 A.D.) ... and these numbers are also found at ... {
http://www.farshore.force9.co.uk/skymat_1.htm }.
Grid LAT 66 (deg) X 21 (min) X 25.97402597 (sec) North .. = 36000 North (that is;
'north' of our ecliptic). Grid LONG 72 (deg) X 16 (min) X 36.93157144 (sec) E.ALNITAK .. = 42545.17031 E.ALNITAK. Grid POINT Value 42545.17031 / 36000 = 1.181810286
Now ... I will take the ratio of the Grid
POINT Values of REGULUS and ALPHA DRACONIS ;19.7392088 / 1.181810286 = 16.70251904
I ask you now to recall, from some fairly recent email posts and website articles of mine .. the *first* crop formation in
England of this year-2000 season. It was the formation of Danebury Hill Fort, Hampshire, UK. I have a short article on that formation at ...
initial crop formation of the year-2000 season had a Grid POINT Value (Morton, 2000) of ... "8". And the design of the formation was what I called "a stylized ouroboros". The "ouroboros" is
a very ancient emblem denoting both 'Kingship' and 'Enlightenment'. ( See the book, "Genesis of The Grail Kings", by Sir Laurence Gardner).
On 22 July, 2000, a *magnificent* crop formation was
reported in Wiltshire, UK, at Knoll Down near Avebury Trusloe. It was dubbed ... "the magnetic field", because it had a very striking resemblance to the pattern made by iron filings placed on a
piece of paper over a bar magnet. I figured the Grid POINT Value of this formation as ... 133.6201523. You can see the complete calculations for this at ... http://www.farshore.force9.co.uk/mat_113.htm
I will now form the ratio of the Grid POINT Values (Morton, 2000) of those 2 crop formations ... 133.6201523 / 8 = 16.70251904 ... and does that look familiar ?
Yes .. it precisely matches the ratio of the Grid POINT Values of REGULUS and ALPHA DRACONIS.
As I write this, by the way, we are now "between" the sky-longitudes (or ecliptical longitude lines) of
REGULUS and ALPHA DRACONIS ... about midway between them, in fact.
I now refer you to the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1993) of 'The Great Serpent Mound', in southern Ohio. This is a very famous effigy mound. Munck
figured its Grid POINT Value as .. 45Pi exactly .. 141.3716694.
Note the result when I multiply that figure by "8" .. the Grid POINT Value of the "stylized ouroboros" crop formation ...
141.3716694 / 8 = 1130.973355 = 360Pi .. precisely. There, you see "360" .. the conventional number of arc-degrees on one complete circumference. And it's multiplied by a relatively precise Pi constant.
Very "geometric". What is the Grid LAT of (circa 2000 A.D.) REGULUS ? Precisely "360Pi" .. 1130.973355 North = 360Pi .. = 27 (min) X 41.88790205 (sec) North (just a 'hair' north of our ecliptic).
Now (recall from earlier in this article) you can calculate the Grid POINT Value of REGULUS, because you have both its Grid LAT and its Grid LONG. 22324.51921 / 1130.973355 = 19.7392088 = 2Pi X Pi .. precisely.
Also recall, from earlier in this article, the "e" value .. 2.718281828 .. and I will multiply it now by "8" .. 2.718281828 X 8 = 21.74625463 .. and I will divide that by what I call a
"pi fractal" .. of .. (Pi to the 4th power) .. 21.74625463 / 97.40909103 = 0.2232466641 .. and notice how *very close* that (decimal harmonic) is to the Grid LONG of REGULUS.
The first 5 digits are *identical* to the first 5 digits of .. "22324.51921" ... extremely close.
Using The REGULUS Grid LONG 'Decimal Harmonic' To 'Project' a Value for "e" ...
(0.2232451921 X 97.40909103) / 8 = 2.718263905 ... very, very close to the "e" value of .. 2.718281828.
I will now show you how close *this projected value* for e .. will bring you, to the Grid LAT of
'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia on Mars.
2.718263905 / 3.141592654 = 0.865250274 .. ArcTAN 0.865250274 = 40.86800683 (deg) North. To get the number of arc-minutes .. 0.86800683 X 60 = 52.0804098 (min). Now, to
get the number of arc-seconds .. 0.0804098 X 60 = 4.824588 (sec). How close is that to the Grid LAT of 'The D&M Pyramid' ?
4.824588 - 4.773646584 = 0.050941416 arc-sec of latitude. In terms of regular Feet ..
how close is that to the Grid LAT of 'The D&M Pyramid' ? { Notice the term "regu-lar" ? As in .. "Regu-lus" ? }
Recall from earlier in this article, that one arc-second of latitude at
Cydonia on Mars is about .. 53.5 Regular Feet. 53.5 X 0.050941416 = 2.725365756 .. Regular Feet .. quite close to "e" number of Regular Feet !!!
I certainly hope these mathematical correlations are
self-evident .. as to their obviously high significance .. involving what is being revealed (and to what has already been revealed by the work of such researchers as Sitchin, Munck, Torun, Hoagland, B.Cathie,
N.Freer, L.Gardner, M.L.Morton) in terms of the crop formations, the current star-positions of certain prominent stars as seen by the 'naked eye', the exact positions of major structures at Cydonia on Mars, the exact
positions of major structures on Earth, etc.
And "we" are revealing all of this to ourselves, essentially. This is, as my friend Neil Freer says .. a rapid process of increasing awareness on many
conscious levels .. a process of "self-referentiality". It is more and more apparent, as the days go by in this year-2000, that this "unified field matrix" involves conscious advanced intelligence
and very elaborate forethought, on a truly awesome scale. Even so .. we are "getting it", and that means a lot to our future as a species. Take heart.
-- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2000
P.S. Feel free to copy and/or to forward this article to others ..provided you copy everything in its entirety, with no alterations. Thanks -- MLM.
I'm also going to give you, here, the 'matrix' figures (Munck, 1992) for Great Serpent Mound.
Grid LAT 39 (deg) X 01 (min) X 36.44161626 (sec) North .. = 1421.223034 North .. = (144Pi) X Pi.
Grid LONG 114 (deg) X 33 (min) X 53.4079407 (sec) W.Giza .. = 200920.6729 W.Giza .. = 6480 X (Pi Cubed). [ W.Greenwich 83 deg 25 min 52.6079407 sec ].
Grid POINT Value 200920.6729 / 1421.223034 .. = 141.3716694 = 45Pi.
Munck figures this point to be at the center of 'The Egg' that is about to be 'devoured' by the 'serpent'.