Richard Hoagland recently cited some of my work, in Part 2 of the most
recent '3-part series' of articles on TEM website. He discussed the midnight-on-New Year's Eve appearance of Sirius , 1999/2000 .. *exactly* on the Sky Meridian at Giza .. etc.
I had pointed out in several emails to various lists and individuals this year (2000), that Sirius has a circa year-2000 Grid LONG (Morton, 1999) of .. 24805.0502134 ..
a precise decimal harmonic (power-of-ten multiple) ... of 248.0502134 .. Grid POINT Value of The Great Pyramid itself (Munck, 1992). When you also
realize that the Earth prime meridian (ancient) passes directly through the middle of The Great Pyramid (Munck, 1992) .. this is suddenly a very compelling
"coincidence". I'm sure it's no random coincidence !!
At midnight, New Year's Eve, 1999/2000 .. Giza time ... Sirius appeared
EXACTLY on the Sky Meridian. So .. at_that_moment ... the Sky Meridian was DIRECTLY PARALLEL .. "overhead" .. to the ancient prime meridian on
Earth. And Sirius .. whose Grid LONG is a precise decimal harmonic of the Grid POINT Value of The Great Pyramid .. was exactly aligned_then_with those 2
meridians !! The Grid POINT of The Great Pyramid is directly "on" the Earth prime meridian, slightly north of the Apex of the pyramid.
Based on reading a good portion of Andy Lloyd's website articles today .. I now feel that this 'year-2000' is probably "marking" 12,960 years from the last
'catastrophic' passage of Nibiru .. when the "Earth-shift", as I call it (rather than "pole-shift") .. happened. As I posted recently on some lists, and on my
topcities/farshores webpage ... I agree with Munck ("Whispers From Time, Volume 2", 1999) that the Earth ( the whole Earth, not a crustal displacement) ..
turned a net 30 degrees of polar displacement .. along a meridian that now runs through the middle of The Akapana Pyramid near Tiahuanaco, South America.
This puts the current location of the last geographic north pole, at exactly 60 degrees North, on Akpatok Island in Ungava Bay, Canada. And .. "30" ... as
I was reminded, today, by Andy Lloyd's writings, matches Nibiru's orbital plane as being apparently 30 degrees off our ecliptic. I've also propsed, on The Internet
this year (2000), that 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars (orientation) is offset 30 degrees west-of-north (true north) on Mars. And I've also pointed-out that the
PHOENIX UFO of the night of March 13, 1997 .. "hovered" for 4 minutes, directly over the intersection (cross-symbol !!) of Indian School Road and Seventh (7 !!)
Avenue in Phoenix, Az .. at a Grid POINT Value of .. "30" !! Yes !! And that "7" ? That would refer to Andy Lloyd's observation that Nibiru is
actually a brown-dwarf 'star' with 7 planets ("moons", in the Enuma Elish translations) .. one of those 7 being the home-planet of The Nibiruans (Anunnaki).
Recall from my previous post (on this website) that I found the circa-2000 A.D. Grid POINT Value of SIRIUS to be ... 2.368705056 ... notice the first 4 digits
in that figure ? "2368" ... that's a classic gematrian number that carries the 'meaning' ("translation") .. "Jesus Christ" !!
Now .. I multiply the current (year-2000) Grid POINT Value (Morton, 1999) of SIRIUS .. by .. "30" ... 30 X 2.368705056 = 71.06115168 ...
Now .. I'm going to divide by Pi .. "exactly" Pi .. to 9 decimal places, that is .. 71.06115168 / 3.141592654 = 22.61946711 .. now I'll divide again by "exactly"
Pi ... 22.61946711 / 3.141592654 = 7.2 .. a decimal harmonic of the "72" years it takes for one arc-degree of Earth precession.
Recall, from my previous post on this website, that I noticed that Andy's graphic showing Nibiru's perihelion has The Dark Star passing right "over" both SIRIUS
and MINTAKA. And; Mintaka_ corresponds_to The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza (Bauval, et al). The original height of The Mycerinus Pyramid, according to the work
of Munck (1992), is .. 72Pi regular ("British") feet .. AND .. the Grid POINT Value of The Mycerinus Pyramid is ... 720Pi .. and BOTH (72Pi) and (720Pi) are decimal
harmonics (base 10 system) of (7.2Pi) ... which I just calculated a few sentences ago !!
And we're talking "circa-2000 A.D." star-positions.
So; I reiterate my proposal, here ... that this ancient "archaeo-sky matrix", as I call it ... is "marking" the last CATASTROPHIC passage of Nibiru .. 12960
years ago .. which also "happens to be" HALF a precession cycle in years for Earth itself !!!
What a beautifully self-referential way to "mark" a very important event in our true
history in this solar system !!! -- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2000