I went to SteveWingate's"IslandCity"page....http://www.anomalous-images.com/mgs/islandcity.html
I saw his latitude/longitude numbers posted prominently there, so thought I'd do some numbers work. I also was impressed with the "rows of straight lines",
some other features, and the photo-comparisons he has there, to Macchu Picchu (Peru).
Steve has the latitude as ... "South 18.69" degrees, and the longitude as ... "33.71" degrees. I can
project an approximation, from the 2 decimal places, as follows : Taking the latitude, first ... 0.69 X 60 = 41.4 minutes .. then .. 0.4 X 60 = 24 sec. Next, I can project an approximate "Grid LAT" of
... 18 (deg) X 41 (min) X 24 (sec) = "17712" South. When I say "approximation", I mean to the nearest whole arc-second. Taking the longitude ... 0.71 X 60 = 42.6 minutes .. then .. 0.6 X 60
= 36 sec.
At this point, I need to convert the approximate longitude into the format using the prime meridian (Munck, 1992) that passes through the center of The D&M Pyramid. I recently found the
Martian longitude variance to be ... 09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec. ... That is, to the West of the prime meridian being (publicly) used by NASA and others.
Because I (currently) don't know whether "Island
City" is at 33.71 deg East of the 'conventional' prime meridian, or at 33.71 deg West of same, I will figure it both ways, and compare.
First, let's assume "Island City" is at 33.71 deg
West. My approximation is ... 33 deg 42 min 36 sec .. to the nearest whole arc-second. To convert to the ancient 'archaeomatrix' longitude, we would subtract, in this case, the *longitude variance* ... 33
deg 42 min 36 sec 09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec ----------------------------------- 24 deg 10 min 35.2 sec
Next ... we figure the 'archaeomatrix' projected approximate Grid LONG ... 24 (deg) X 10 (min) X 35.2 (sec)
= 8448 W.Cydonia (approx.).
To figure the approximate Grid POINT Value, in this case, we take the ratio of (approx.) Grid LAT to (approx.) Grid LONG ... 17712 / 8448 = 2.097 approx.
Can I "tell
anything" from this approximation, so far ? I can, personally, because I'm familiar with "2/3rds Pi" as a prominent figure in the 'archaeomatrix'. I already suspect that "2/3rds Pi" might
be the intended Grid POINT Value, in this case. [ (2Pi / 3) = 2.094395102 , using my calculator's 10-digit display ].
I also happen to recognize "8448" as a "gematria-related" figure,
as such ... 8448 - 3168 = 5280. The "5280" number is the number of Feet in a statute mile. The "3168" figure is a major gematrian number. This figure has been discussed by various researchers,
including author/researcher John Michell.
My next step is to use some 'trial & error' ... that is .. try multiplying the suspected "2/3rds Pi" times the suspected "8448" ...
(2.094395102) X 8448 = "17693.44983" South ... = 18 (deg) X 41 (min) X 23.97486427 (sec) South.
Then, dividing the Pi constant into "17693.44983" ... 17693.44983 / 3.141592654 = 5632.
Now give this figure to the "5280" Feet in a statute mile ... 5632 / 5280 = 1.066666667 ... Take that figure times the "162" decimal harmonic (B.Cathie) of light-speed in nautical miles per
second (162,000) ... 162 X 1.066666667 = 172.8 .... decimal harmonic of the number (1728, or 12 Cubed) used to convert Volume in Feet to Volume in Inches, and vice-versa. So ... as is the case, frequently, in this
're-discovery process' of this ancient planetary archaeomatrix ... we are getting "direct numerical hits", here, *simultaneously*, on several Units-of-Measure conventional to *our own culture*.
At this point, I'd say that we have identified a probable set of Grid LAT, Grid LONG, and Grid POINT Value for "Island City", in the case of "West of the conventional Martian prime
meridian". Let's call this set ... "Probability A".
There is a "Probablilty B" set that I have also recognized ... also for "West of the conventional Martian prime
meridian". This involves the SAME Grid POINT Value (2/3rds Pi), but slightly different Grid LAT and Grid LONG. The figure "17765.28792" is an important probability here, for the Grid LAT, because
this decimal harmonic is a very key figure in the archaeomatrix. One of the most interesting aspects of this figure, is the "encoded" reference to 3 "numbers-within-the-number" in horizontal
digital order. NOTE: "1776" ... "528" ... "792" ... in horizontal digital order.The "528" is a decimal harmonic of "5280" Feet in a statute mile, and the
"792" is a decimal harmonic of "7920" statute miles average diameter of Earth. In fact, "792" is a 'gematrian' number. The "1776" is a gematrian-related number. For example;
if we subtract it from the average diameter of Earth in statute miles ... 7920 - 1776 = 6144. Then subtract "5280" from it ... 6144 - 5280 = 864 ... decimal harmonic of the number of seconds of time
in one Earth Day of 24 hours (86,400). And "1776" is also, of course, the year of the USA "Declaration of
Independence". I think that year was probably consciously chosen by someone connected to the lost, and heavily-suppressed, ancient knowledge-base that we are now in the process of re-discovering. I think it must
be pointed-out, that not *everything* related to "Masonic tradition" is automatically corrupt or "evil". There is a real tradition, an actual knowledge-base, there, that stretches back to
ancient Egypt and way beyond that. Knowledge is needed ... it is empowering; and it can be used for good or evil. The choice is inherent, and comes with the knowledge.
So ... "17765.28792" South ... = 18 (deg) X 41 (min) X 24.07220585 (sec) South.
If we retain the same Grid POINT Value, of "2/3rds Pi" ... 17765.28792 / 2.094395102 = 8482.300165 W.Cydonia ...
= 24 (deg) X 10 (min) X 35.34291735 (sec) W.Cydonia.
Now .. here's something very impressive about this "35.34291735" number of arc-seconds of W.Cydonia longitude : 35.34291735 / 3.141592654 = 11.25 ...
exactly HALF of "22.5" ... and I have run into the "225" decimal harmonic in many cases. { 225 = Square of "15" }.
The figure "8482.300165" is also very
"revealing" when it is divided by the Pi constant ... 8482.300165 / 3.141592654 = 2700 ... HALF of "5400" ... and the number "5400" is not only the Grid POINT Value of The Great
Sphinx of Giza (Munck, 1992) ... it is the precise arc-distance in nautical miles on Earth from Pole to Equator.
Now we have the set of "Probability B".
Assuming "East" of Conventional Martian Prime Meridian ..
Now we'll look at a "Probability Y" scenario ... assuming a longitude to the East of the conventional Martian prime meridian. Again;
we use the *longitude variance* of ... 09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec, that I very recently figured-out.
This time, we add the variance ... to the "given" approximate longitude : 33 deg 42 min 36 sec
09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec ----------------------------------- 43 deg 14 min 36.8 sec (approx.)
Now; calculate the projected approximate Grid LONG ... 43 (deg) X 14 (min) X 36.8 (sec) E.Cydonia ... = 22153.6
approx. Grid LONG E.Cydonia.
In this case, I would try a decimal harmonic multiple of 3 times the "7.396853329" (min) E.Giza so-called "Master Giza Longitude" (Munck, 1992). 3 X 7.396853329 X
1000 = "22190.55999" E.Cydonia (possibility) ... = 43 (deg) X 14 (min) X 36.86139533 (sec) E.Cydonia. I would use the same "8482.300165" South Grid LAT. 22190.55999 / 8482.300165 = 2.616101713
That figure is in the archaeomatrix, but is not a prominent number.
That is my set of "Probability Y".
I also realize that the Grid POINT Value for both "Probability A" and
"Probability B" is a decimal harmonic of what I think is the intended/original/ideal *Polar Radius of Mars in statute miles* .... "2094.395102" ... the "2/3rds Pi" decimal
In addition, I have predicted an azimuth in arc-degrees from the apex of 'The D&M Pyramid' to the Nose on 'The Face' .... of .. "13.15947253" ... a matching decimal harmonic of the
intended/original/ideal Martian polar circumference ..."13159.47253" statute miles.
Munck has also indicated, in his work, that "2/3rds Pi" is key component of the longitude of 'The Face' ...
"6.890283706" (min) E.Cydonia (Munck, 1992). 6.890283706 = Pi X (Pi / 3) X (2Pi / 3).
I think Steve Wingate is referring to a "W.Cydonia" location, in terms of "Island City".
And ... I think both "Probability A" and "Probability B" are of about 'equal weight', in this situation. In fact, I even suspect that these 2 sets .. "A" and "B" .. could actually
be specifying 2 particular "objects" or "spots" at this site. One reason I say this, is because the number of arc-seconds of longitude for "Probability A" .. "35.2" ... is a
decimal harmonic of the "35200" W.Giza Grid LONG I have figured for an Earth-analogue of "The Tholus" .. the rather heavily-eroded remains of which is found in the lower Hudson Valley of New
York State, USA. "Tholus II" ... the Earth-analogue of The Tholus at Cydonia, has a Grid LAT of ... "31680" North .. a decimal harmonic I discussed in connection with "Probability
A", as you recall. Here is (again; I posted these numbers in a recent email) ... my set of numbers for the Earth-analogue; "Tholus II" ... Grid LONG 105 (deg) X 14 (min) X 23.94557823 (sec) W.Giza ... =
35200 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 74 deg 06 min 23.14557823 sec ]. Grid LAT 41 (deg) X 29 (min) X 26.64423886 (sec) North ...,= 31680 North. Grid POINT Value; "Tholus II" ... 35200 / 31680 = 1.111111111
must also note, here, that "1.111111111" is the Square Root of "1.234567901" ..which is my Grid POINT Value for "Earth Face" .. an Earth-analogue of 'The Face' at Cydonia. I
have also emailed my figures for this heavily-eroded structure ...also found in the lower Hudson Valley of New York State ... in Middletown, NY.
-- Michael Lawrence Morton