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Sedona of western United States is called the NEW AGE town of the United States. Sedona is known for its vortexes, metaphysical personalities, and UFO events.


Sedona is located in northern Arizona and is two hours north of the Grand Canyon and two hours south of Phoenix by car. The population of the town of Sedona is 7,000 and of greater Sedona is 15,000.  Sedona is a small town of 15 square miles. The economy of Sedona is very prosperous. Tourism is its major business: 5 million tourists a year and the second most popular tourist site in Arizona (the first most popular is the Grand Canyon).  Unemployment rate of Sedona is less than 2%. 


 Sedona is famous for its spectacular, beautiful scenery:


Sedona is renowned for its red rock landscapes.  The magnificent red rocks are the result of erosion over 350 million years.  The area was flooded numerous times, and layers of sand were deposited as red rock. Other impressive geological features include canyons, and spires.


Arizona Highway 89 from Flagstaff to  Sedona is one most of the scenic drives of the United States. This highway is also called Oak Creek Canyon.


Chapel of Holy Rock is a striking landmark.  Marguerite Staude, a disciple of Frank Lloyd Wright, built the building in 1956. The Chapel of Holy Rock has a huge cross that rises between two red rock peaks.


This area abounds in wild life such as hawks, coyotes, black bears, and eagles.


Sedona contains Indian ruins and archeological sites.


  A local saying states, "God created the Grand Canyon, but HE lives in Sedona."



The history of Sedona is the story of the devastation of the Indian population.


8000 B.C. – Pablo Indiums came to Sedona from Asia.


700 A.D. – Hohokam arrived and introduced farming and irrigation.


1100 A.D. – Sinaguam came to Sedona and taught the native population to build multi-story buildings.


Late 1100 A.D. – The native Indians suddenly disappeared. The reasons are unknown.


1583 A.D. – The Spanish explored this area searching for silver and gold.


19th century – Trappers and prospectors arrived from the United States. They presented false claims for the Indian hunting grounds. The Indians were angry at the invasion and protested the incursion. The army viewed the Indians as savages. General Cook was assigned the task of crushing the Indian rebellion. A war took place and the Indians lost. A military outpost called Camp Lincoln was built. Later, it was changed to Camp Verde. Today, the General Cook Trail immortalizes the March of Tears. Indian tribes were forced to march south to the San Carlos Reservation, and many died during the journey.





The 20th century history of Sedona was about the emergence of an important New Age town. For most of the century Sedona was a small town.  In 1902 there were only 20 families in Sedona.  The reasons for a small population were remoteness and lack of water. Sedona was named for the wife of the postal carrier of its first postal station. Carl E. Williams, a geologist and well driller from Oregon, developed painful arthritis and was advised by his doctor to move to a warm, dry climate. Many people told Williams that there was no water under Sedona. He studied the geological evidence and proved there was a large water table at 500 feet. Writers were attracted to Sedona.  Zane Grey, a famous writer and movie producer, in the 1920s wrote a b ook titled CALL OF THE CANYON. From his experiences living in Oak Creek Canyon a movie based on the book was made in Sedona. In 1930s Max Ernest, the French surrealist, wrote a book from his unusual experiences at Sedona. In 1960s Sedona became an artist colony, and in the 1970s retirees came in large numbers.  During the 1970s and 1980s New Age activity grew in Sedona. 5000 people attended the Harmonic Convergence of August 1987. A few persons spent $75 to sit on Bell Rock at the moment it was supposed to depart for the galaxy of Andromeda. After the Harmonic Convergence Sedona emerged as an important New Age town. In 1997, the Sedona region contained almost 200 New Age businesses.   Numerous psychic readers, channels, holistic health practitioners live and work in Sedona.  It is a town of 300 professional artists and 50 art galleries.


Sedona is known for its vortices. A vortex is a giant magnet of energy. This electromagnetic energy field emits upward from the earth and are positively and negatively charged.  Energetic ley lines of the earth converge at these ancient vortices.  The vortices are described: "The sandstone deposits in the mountains contain iron oxide which give the rocks their red colors, and silica, which is crystalline. Both of these give strong magnetic power to rock formations. Each of the formations are like a powerful natural formation church or temple of energy."  The vortices are reported to be portals, that is special openings between everyday space-time reality and extraterrestrial home worlds, the spiritual realms, and other dimensions. Visitors to the vortices have super spiritual experiences and feel energized and inspired. The paranormal experiences include interdimensional communication with spirits and contact with beings from outer space. Indian mystics, shamans, and spiritual adepts hold ceremonies at these vortices such as medicine wheel ceremonies, Kiva sacred rites, vision quests for transformation and healing, and connection rituals to Mother Earth. 


Sedona contains 13 energy vortices – the greatest concentration on our planet. The major vortices of Sedona are Airport Mesa, Bell Rock, Boynton Canyon, and Cathedral Rock.  Information about these vortices:


Cathedral Rock is the most powerful and gentle energy vortex in Sedona. The energies are feminine which includes "kindness, patience, compassion, and anticipates impact of action before you act."


Airport Mesa is only 1 ½ miles from downtown Sedona and the least dramatic vortex. The energy is masculine, which includes self-confidence and strength.


Bell Rock Vortex is cone-shaped, and its base circulates energy around it. Bell Rock has some of the best valleys, vistas, and red rocks.  Medicine men and spiritual adepts conduct medicine wheel ceremonies. Richard Dannelly, a writer of Sedona vortices, describes Bell Rock as a great spot for prayers and a connection to ETs. The energies are very powerful and have both masculine and feminine energies. 


Boynton Canyon is considered by many experts as the most magical and sacred place of the red rock territory of  Sedona. People who visit this vortex experience a mysterious presence and memories of past dreams and events. People in prayer and meditation often contact the Spirits of this vortex and have out-of-body experiences. This vortex balances masculine and feminine energies. Boynton Canyon has been described as "a twilight zone, a crossroads, and in-between place, where Spirit makes itself known to the beings of the physical plane."  



 Sedona has prominent residents who are well-known in New Age, metaphysical, and UFO circles. These four residents of Sedona are:


Robert Petro is a world acclaimed psychic and trance medium. Petro is owner of many small businesses and a motivational speaker for his prosperity seminars. He grew up in New York as an orphan and dropped out of elementary school. He did not learn to read until he was thirty. Later in his life,he received a BA in psychology and Masters Degree in psychology. Since 1973 Petro has done 40,000 trance readings - some readings for doctors, psychologists, attorneys, educators, investors, and even other psychics. He has appeared on radio and television shows such as The David Letterman Show, PM Magazine, and Good Morning New York. Today, Petro is wealthy, happy, and successful. New York Magazine wrote, "Robert Petro Psychic  Extraordinaire! (He is) New York's heaviest psychic…When Robert Petro speaks, people listen!"


Majad is a lady clairvoyant of Sedona. She is associated with ETs of the Galactic Federation. She holds certificates and degrees from these organizations: Ordained Minister of Universal Life Church, Ordained Priest and legal Clergy member of The Order of Melchizedek, Certified Usui Shik Ryoho Reiki, Certified Master Teacher Of Magnified Healing – Lady Kwan Yin, Iniate of Maharaji Charan Singh – Sanat Mat, and Initiate of the Order of Michael.  She is available for readings and counseling.


Virgil Armstrong is a noted international lecturer and teacher on UFOs and spiritual subjects. He has traveled the world for 30 years. Armstrong held positions in the U.S. military and CIA. Armstrong was present at the second capture of a UFO in White Sands, New Mexico in 1948. Two of his most important sources are Native Americans and ETS of the Guardian Forces.


Peter Gertsen is the first American lawyer who specializes in UFO cases. He is the founder and is Director of the UFO organization – Citizens Against UFO Secrecy  (CAUS). He has sued the U.S. Government for UFO documents. Gertsen is the lawyer who represented CAUS in lawsuits involving the Department of Defense, FBI, CIA, and National Security Agency.



A Star Knowledge Conference was held from November 20 to 22, 1998. The location was the Old West Town of Camp Verde, which is 25 miles south of Sedona.  Star Conferences are gatherings of tribal peoples who seek knowledge of the past, present, and future contact with star nations. The conferences are preparations for living in the new fifth world and involve Native American prayers, ceremonies, and headings. The organizer of this conference was Standing Elk, a Dakota Sioux Chief. Some of the speakers were Hopi Grandfather Prophet Martin, Tascara - Mayan Teacher, retired Sgt.- Major Robert Dean, White Eagle - a healer, Grandmother Wind Rider (Aztec-Mayan), Annie Kirkwood – a channel, and Silver Star - Cherokee teacher.


UFO events are another New Age phenomena of Sedona. William Hamilton, the Director of the UFO organization called Skywatcher, describes the UFO situation: "There are UFO and strange orbs of light that move through the back canyons, notably Long and Boynton Canyons. A mysterious military or para-military presence has been reported in Boynton Canyon, Secret Canyon, and Sycamore Canyon…. A phenomenon that resembles the orbs is ball lighting and usually appears during thunderstorms. The ball is usually bright, fuzzy, and orange-yellow in color." Tom Dongo, A UFO field investigator, who lives in Sedona, interviews witnesses and investigates UFO sightings and abductions. He has written books on his findings.  These are stories about UFO incidents:


Dr. Tom Creed, Professor of Psychology of St. John University of Collegeville, Minnesota, photographed a UFO at Boynton Canyon. He was on a trip to Sedona on July 1997. An unidentified lady pointed to a UFO hovering over this vortex. The picture of this incident is available at




A team from Skywatch, an Arizona UFO organization, visited Sedona on July 11, 1998. The people involved Tom King, a noted UFO investigator, Rob King, his brother, and Rhonda, his daughter. They set up a camp outside of Sedona. Around 2:30 A.M. Rob King went outside to smoke a cigarette. He saw a very bright orange and white light in the sky, which was brighter than any other object in the sky. The objected hovered over the mountain ridge and moved side to side and toward the moon. The light hovered for about two hours. Tom's daughter also witnessed the object.


A group observed earth lights with intelligence at the Red Canyons on June 19,1998. Rob Meyer was observing the sky of Red Rock Canyons.  Suddenly at a distance he saw huge multiple colored lights.  Rob passed out night viewing equipment to members of the group. Rob pulsated his flashlight in the direction of the lights. Another light appeared and flashed back in response. Several times over several hours Rob pulsated his flashlight toward the light, which was followed by a response. Two members of the group through the night vision equipment saw several orbs pass by.  At the close of the evening the group faced the area of the light pulses. Rob asked the members of the group to send LOVE telepathically to the lights. The group sent love and suddenly…"the most spectacular flashes of multi-colored lights appeared in the same sequences that Rob had flashed with his flash light." Rob's video equipment recorded the night incidents.



Sedona is truly a United States New Age, UFO town. I hope this story inspires members of this audience to visit Sedona.